
Wednesday 20 March 2013

Gravity-Defying Lamps

A dutch design company called Crealev, which specialise in high-concept levitation technology, have created these amazing levitating lampshades that seem to defy gravity.


The lamps use electromagnetic technology to suspend the shades in mid air, if the shade is ever so slightly knocked off balance it will attach itself to the base thanks to magnetic attraction.




I think these are absolutely amazing and I love levitation technology such as this,  I just wish I could afford one!

View the video below to see how they work:

More information can be found here.

Sunday 17 March 2013

The Big Sleep Cover - Silhouettes

I have created 4 possible silhouettes to be used on The Big Sleep book cover that I'm designing, I have photographed myself in appropriate clothing to avoid any copyright infringement.

Each silhouette is in a slightly different pose, I now have to decide which will look best on the cover...

Silhouette 1

Silhouette 2

Silhouette 3

Silhouette 4

Texture in Graphic Design

The use of texture in graphics is very important, as textures can change the whole feel and identity of a product. One of the most common ways to add texture to graphic design is by using various types of paper; a heavy gauge paper can give a luxurious, high quality feel. A coarse, rustic paper can give a homemade or vintage feel to a design.

Another way to add texture is by using various manufacturing a printing techniques. Debossing and embossing is a prime example. Debossing and embossing is adding a sunken or raised surface to the paper or card, this effect is usually used to make letters and logos stand out and gives the design a high-quality feel. The use of high gloss and metallic inks is also quite common and again, gives the design a high-quality, luxurious feel.

When a graphic design is purely digital, textures are usually added by use of layers and give the illusion that the image is on a physical material e.g. a canvas screen.

Monday 11 March 2013

The Hull Blitz

I made a short video about the Hull Blitz as a promotion tool for the exhibition I will be designing for the National Picture Theatre in Hull. 

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Skills Development

Over the past few months I have learnt a number of skills that have aided me in my recent design projects:

  • I have become more adept at Google Sketchup and now feel confident in creating complex models and presenting them using animation techniques.

  • I have been experimenting with creating small films as a way to convey design ideas. I have used Windows Movie Maker and iMovie. I find these programs simple and easy to use and I enjoy experimenting with new ideas and processes for making films. 

  •  I have recently been using Adobe Illustrator in my latest project. I am currently finding it quite confusing, however I have already picked up a few new skills whilst creating various designs. I feel that I learn best just getting stuck in and trying different techniques when using applications of this type. 
Overall, I am glad with what I have learnt so far and look forward to developing my skills and also learning new ones. 

Retail Display Design

source: retail design blog
source:retail design blog

The appearance of a store and how it's products are displayed are very important in the Retail sector. The right feel and atmosphere must be created that reflects the style of clothing and the company's image.

All Saints is a prime example of a store that uses strong design in it's retail displays. All Saints takes their inspiration from the industrial revolution and the designs of Isambard Kingdom Brunel e.g. Victoria and Paddington railway stations. 

The very industrial, utilitarian design of the stores complements the vintage feel of the clothing. Items such as cogs, gears and bare metalwork are used to decorate the space. Dozens of vintage Singer sewing machines are displayed in the store window, this design has become somewhat of a signature technique for All Saints.

The design as a whole gives the store a very stylised, vintage feel which is able to attract the kind of person that would want to buy All Saints clothing. 

More information and images can be found here.
source: retail design blog
source: retail design blog
source: retail design blog

Tuesday 5 March 2013

The Big Sleep Cover Mock Ups

source: Penguin

I have made another step in designing my entry for the Penguin Design Award competition.

I have created 3 book cover mock ups using Adobe Illustrator, I am trying to determine which font combinations works best with the overall design.

The dimensions are to Penguin's specifications and I have included the Penguin Logo.

Click on the links below:

Mock Up 1

Mock Up 2

Mock Up 3

Sunday 3 March 2013

Home Front Mood Board

I have created a mood board for the project on the National Picture Theatre in Hull, which was bombed during the Second World War. It is the last bombed civilian building still standing in Europe.

This mood board looks at the Home Front themes of WW2.