
Wednesday 6 March 2013

Retail Display Design

source: retail design blog
source:retail design blog

The appearance of a store and how it's products are displayed are very important in the Retail sector. The right feel and atmosphere must be created that reflects the style of clothing and the company's image.

All Saints is a prime example of a store that uses strong design in it's retail displays. All Saints takes their inspiration from the industrial revolution and the designs of Isambard Kingdom Brunel e.g. Victoria and Paddington railway stations. 

The very industrial, utilitarian design of the stores complements the vintage feel of the clothing. Items such as cogs, gears and bare metalwork are used to decorate the space. Dozens of vintage Singer sewing machines are displayed in the store window, this design has become somewhat of a signature technique for All Saints.

The design as a whole gives the store a very stylised, vintage feel which is able to attract the kind of person that would want to buy All Saints clothing. 

More information and images can be found here.
source: retail design blog
source: retail design blog
source: retail design blog

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